- Extensive Reading ex: 3 answers:
1- Because she has got a family, a full-time job and a small farm, and she trains 30 hours a week as runner, all this with a disability
2- She thinks that opportunities for disabled athletes are growing.
3- He trains every day except Sunday. He trains in the swimming pool and also in the gym.
- Class Book: page 52, ex: 2 read the text and ex: 3 copy in your notebook the words and the numbers. Study the vocabulary.
- Activity Book: page 45, ex: 1-2-3-4
- Study the irregular verb list (Christmas homework)
- Read pages 32-33
- Watch this video: video
- In your notebook:
1- Write today's date.
2- Copy this definition --> Photosynthesis: is the process that producers use to turn energy from the sun into food.
3- Copy and complete the following diagram.
- Read pages 34-35
- In your notebook:
1- Write today's date.
2- Copy this:
3- Choose one of the cards hidden behind Cervantes, Quevedo, El Greco or Velázquez. Create the card for that person. Follow the same structure (Name, drawing, nationality, born, died, career, famous work).